パッケージ org.simBio.bio.hodgkin_huxley_1952

Modifyed Hodgkin Huxley Squid Axon Model 1952 Explanation from CellML is as;
This is Hodgkin and Huxley's inspirational work on a mathematical description of currents through the membrane of a nerve fibre (axon) in a giant squid, and their application to the modelling of excitation in the nerve.


I_K Potassium Channel.
I_L leak component.
I_Na Sodium channel.
I_stim Stimulus current.
Membrane Membrane.

パッケージ org.simBio.bio.hodgkin_huxley_1952 の説明

Modifyed Hodgkin Huxley Squid Axon Model 1952

Explanation from CellML is as;
This is Hodgkin and Huxley's inspirational work on a mathematical description of currents through the membrane of a nerve fibre (axon) in a giant squid, and their application to the modelling of excitation in the nerve. It is generally regarded as the first example of a mathematical model of biology. The equilibrium potential is adjusted to -75 mV.


instance diagram at xml/hodgkin_huxley_1952/instance.jpg


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