org.simBio.core.Node の使用

Node を使用しているパッケージ
org.simBio.bio for the biologists. 
org.simBio.bio.hodgkin_huxley_1952 Modifyed Hodgkin Huxley Squid Axon Model 1952 Explanation from CellML is as;
This is Hodgkin and Huxley's inspirational work on a mathematical description of currents through the membrane of a nerve fibre (axon) in a giant squid, and their application to the modelling of excitation in the nerve. 
org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.function The common functions among models 
org.simBio.bio.negroni_lascano_1996 The contraction model proposed by Negroni and Lascano, 1996. 
org.simBio.bio.sarai_noma_2004 Single Na channel model, Sarai and Noma, 2004. 
org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.current Classes for membrane currents. 
org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.experiment Classes for experimental manipulation. 
org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.function The common functions among models 
org.simBio.core The basal Classes of the simBio
org.simBio.sim.analyzer analyzers which inherit core.Analyzer,
org.simBio.sim.analyzer.csv CSV maker
org.simBio.sim.analyzer.graph.simple 2D Graph maker

org.simBio.bio での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio のクラス
 class Compartment
          Nodes folder, contain no equation.
 class parabola
          for test.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio のフィールド
 Node parabola.y
 Node parabola.z

org.simBio.bio.cor での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.cor のクラス
 class Hodgkin_huxley_squid_axon_1952_modified
          Conversion from CellML 1.0 to Java was done using COR (
Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Oxford Cardiac Electrophysiology Group
 class Vanderpol_model_1928
          Conversion from CellML 1.0 to Java was done using COR (
Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Oxford Cardiac Electrophysiology Group

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.cor のフィールド
 Node Vanderpol_model_1928.Main_x
          Main_x (dimensionless).
 Node Vanderpol_model_1928.Main_y
          Main_y (dimensionless).
 Node Hodgkin_huxley_squid_axon_1952_modified.membrane_V
          membrane_V (millivolt).
 Node Hodgkin_huxley_squid_axon_1952_modified.potassium_channel_n_gate_n
          potassium_channel_n_gate_n (dimensionless).
 Node Hodgkin_huxley_squid_axon_1952_modified.sodium_channel_h_gate_h
          sodium_channel_h_gate_h (dimensionless).
 Node Hodgkin_huxley_squid_axon_1952_modified.sodium_channel_m_gate_m
          sodium_channel_m_gate_m (dimensionless).

org.simBio.bio.faber_rudy_2000.current での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.faber_rudy_2000.current のクラス
 class Current
          sodium background current.
 class ICaL
          L-type Calcium channnel.
 class ICaT
          T-Type Calcium Channel.
 class IK1
          time indipendent potassium channel Faber GM, Rudy Y.
 class IKpl
          plateau potassium channel Faber GM, Rudy Y.
 class IKr
          Rapidly Activating Potassium channel Faber GM, Rudy Y.
 class IKs
          slow time dependent potassium channel Faber GM, Rudy Y.
 class INa
          fast sodium channel Faber GM, Rudy Y.
 class INaCa
          Sodium Calcium exchanger Faber GM, Rudy Y.
 class INaK
          sodium potassium pump current Faber GM, Rudy Y.
 class IpCa
          Sarcolemmal Ca Pump Current Faber GM, Rudy Y.
 class NSRLeak
          leak current from NSR Faber GM, Rudy Y.
 class RyR
          Calcium release channel on SR Faber GM, Rudy Y.
 class SRCA
          SR calcium pump.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.faber_rudy_2000.current のフィールド
 Node ICaL.Ca
 Node SRCA.Cai
 Node RyR.Cai
 Node IpCa.Cai
 Node INaCa.Cai
 Node IKs.Cai
 Node ICaL.Cai
 Node INaCa.Cao
 Node ICaL.Cao
 Node RyR.Casr
 Node NSRLeak.Casr
 Node ICaL.d
 Node Current.ep
 Node ICaL.f
 Node IKr.gate
 Node ICaT.gate_b
 Node ICaT.gate_g
 Node IKs.gate_xs1
 Node IKs.gate_xs2
 Node INa.h
 Node RyR.iCa
 Node RyR.iTotal
 Node INa.j
 Node ICaL.K
 Node IKs.Ki
 Node ICaL.Ki
 Node INaK.Ko
 Node IKs.Ko
 Node IKr.Ko
 Node IK1.Ko
 Node ICaL.Ko
 Node INa.m
 Node ICaL.Na
 Node INaK.Nai
 Node INaCa.Nai
 Node IKs.Nai
 Node ICaL.Nai
 Node INaK.Nao
 Node INaCa.Nao
 Node IKs.Nao
 Node ICaL.Nao
 Node INaK.T
 Node INaCa.T
 Node IKs.T
 Node ICaL.T
 Node RyR.timeStep
 Node RyR.Vm
 Node Current.Vm

org.simBio.bio.faber_rudy_2000.function での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.faber_rudy_2000.function のクラス
 class Diffusion
 class Stimulus
          Constructor for Stimulus.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.faber_rudy_2000.function のフィールド
 Node Diffusion.a
 Node Diffusion.b

org.simBio.bio.faber_rudy_2000.molecule での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.faber_rudy_2000.molecule のクラス
 class CaBuffer
          analytic equation of Calcium buffering.
 class DualCaBuffer
           Faber GM, Rudy Y.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.faber_rudy_2000.molecule のフィールド
 Node CaBuffer.buffered
 Node DualCaBuffer.Cafree
 Node CaBuffer.Cafree
 Node DualCaBuffer.Catotal
 Node CaBuffer.Catotal

org.simBio.bio.faber_rudy_2000.structure での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.faber_rudy_2000.structure のクラス
 class Cell
 class JSR
           Faber GM, Rudy Y.
 class NSR
           Faber GM, Rudy Y.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.faber_rudy_2000.structure のフィールド
 Node NSR.Ca
 Node NSR.Cai
 Node JSR.Cai
 Node JSR.CaTotal
 Node Cell.CaTotal
 Node Cell.ICab
 Node Cell.ICaLCa
 Node Cell.ICaLK
 Node Cell.ICaLNa
 Node Cell.ICaT
 Node Cell.Iext
 Node Cell.IK1
 Node Cell.IKpl
 Node Cell.IKr
 Node Cell.IKs
 Node Cell.INa
 Node Cell.INab
 Node Cell.INaCa
 Node Cell.INaK
 Node Cell.IpCa
 Node Cell.itotal
 Node Cell.itotalCa
 Node Cell.itotalK
 Node Cell.itotalNa
 Node Cell.K
 Node NSR.leak
 Node Cell.Na
 Node JSR.ryr
 Node NSR.srca
 Node NSR.trans
 Node JSR.trans
 Node Cell.Vm

org.simBio.bio.function での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.function のクラス
 class Analytic2state
          2 state gateの解析解を求めて現在の解に設定する。
 class Function
          Abstract super class of function format.
 class StepChanger

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.function のフィールド
 Node Analytic2state.alfa
 Node Analytic2state.beta
 Node Analytic2state.dt
 Node Analytic2state.previous
 Node StepChanger.target

org.simBio.bio.henriquez_et_al_2001 での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.henriquez_et_al_2001 のクラス
 class GapJunction
          Voltage-dependent gap junction model developed by Vogel and Weingart.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.henriquez_et_al_2001 のフィールド
 Node GapJunction.gHH
          conductance of HH state
 Node GapJunction.gHL
          conductance of HL state
 Node GapJunction.gLH
          conductance of LH state
 Node GapJunction.gLL
          conductance of LL state
 Node GapJunction.nHH
          fraction of HH state
 Node GapJunction.nHL
          fraction of HL state
 Node GapJunction.nLH
          fraction of LH state
 Node GapJunction.nLL
          fraction of LL state
 Node GapJunction.VHL
          voltage across hemichannel at HL state (mV)
 Node GapJunction.Vj
          junctional potential (mV)
 Node GapJunction.VLH
          voltage across hemichannel at LH state (mV)

org.simBio.bio.himeno_et_al_2008 での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.himeno_et_al_2008 のクラス
 class Iha
 class IKACh
          ACh channel. normalized with membrane capacitance.
 class Ist
          Sustained inward current for pacemaker model.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.himeno_et_al_2008 のフィールド
 Node Ist.activation
          gate variable
 Node ICaL.ATP
          intracellular ATP concentration (mM)
 Node IKs.Ca
          intracellular Ca2+ concentration
 Node ICaL.CaDiadic
          local Ca2+ concentration near the mouth of L-type Ca channel (mM)
 Node Ist.Cai
          intracellular calcium concentration (mM)
 Node ICaL.Cai
          intracellular Ca2+ concentration (mM)
 Node Iha.cAMP
          cAMP concentration
 Node Iha.cAMP_Vshift
 Node Iha.closedState1
 Node Iha.closedState2
 Node IKACh.gate
 Node ICaL.gate
          ultra-slow gate probability
 Node IKs.gate1
          the open probability of voltage-dependent gate
 Node IKs.gate2
          the open probability of [Ca2+]i-dependent gate
 Node IKs.gateC2
          the C2 state probability of [Ca2+]i-dependent gate
 Node Ist.inactivation
          gate variable
 Node IKs.KCNQ1
 Node IKs.KCNQ1free
 Node IKs.KCNQ1p
 Node IKs.KCNQ1p_ratio
 Node Iha.openState1
 Node Iha.openState2
 Node ICaL.pAI
          AI state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pAP
          AP state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pC
          C state probability for calcium-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.PCa
 Node ICaL.PCl
 Node ICaL.PK
 Node Ist.PKA
          PKA catalitic domain I concentration
 Node IKs.PKA
 Node ICaL.PKA
          PKA catalitic domain I concentration
 Node ICaL.PKA_fac
 Node ICaL.PNa
 Node IKs.POpen
 Node ICaL.pRP
          PR state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pU
          U state probability for calcium-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pUCa
          UCa state probability for calcium-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.SingleCurrentAMP
          to see single current amplitude
 Node Ist.slowInactivation
          gate variable
 Node Ist.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)
 Node IKs.Vm
          Membrane Potential (mV)
 Node Iha.Vm
 Node ICaL.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)

org.simBio.bio.hodgkin_huxley_1952 での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.hodgkin_huxley_1952 のクラス
 class I_K
          Potassium Channel.
 class I_L
          leak component.
 class I_Na
          Sodium channel.
 class I_stim
          Stimulus current.
 class Membrane

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.hodgkin_huxley_1952 のフィールド
 Node I_Na.h
          gate variable (dimensionless)
 Node Membrane.I_K
          Potassium current (microA_per_cm2)
 Node Membrane.I_L
          Leak (Chloride) current (microA_per_cm2)
 Node Membrane.I_Na
          Sodium current (microA_per_cm2)
 Node Membrane.I_stim
          Stimulus current (microA_per_cm2)
 Node I_Na.m
          gate variable (dimensionless)
 Node Membrane.Vm
          membrane potential, V, initial value = -75.0 (millivolt)
 Node I_Na.Vm
          membrane potential, V, initial value = -75.0 (millivolt)
 Node I_L.Vm
          membrane potential, V, initial value = -75.0 (millivolt)
 Node I_K.Vm
          membrane potential, V, initial value = -75.0 (millivolt)

org.simBio.bio.kurata_et_al_2005.complex での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.kurata_et_al_2005.complex のクラス
 class SR

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.kurata_et_al_2005.complex のフィールド
 Node SR.Cai
 Node SR.CarelTotal
 Node SR.Caup
 Node SR.Leak
 Node SR.Release
 Node SR.Transfer
 Node SR.UpTake

org.simBio.bio.kurata_et_al_2005.current での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.kurata_et_al_2005.current のクラス
 class ICab
 class INab
 class Ito

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.kurata_et_al_2005.current のフィールド
 Node IpCa.Cai
 Node INaCa.Cai
 Node ICaL.Cai
 Node ICab.Cai
 Node INaCa.Cao
 Node ICab.Cao
 Node ICaL.dL
 Node Ito.F
 Node INaK.F
 Node INaCa.F
 Node INab.F
 Node INa.F
 Node IKs.F
 Node IKr.F
 Node IK1.F
 Node ICab.F
 Node ICaL.fL
 Node INa.h
 Node Ito.Ki
 Node INa.Ki
 Node IKs.Ki
 Node IKr.Ki
 Node IK1.Ki
 Node Ito.Ko
 Node INaK.Ko
 Node INa.Ko
 Node IKs.Ko
 Node IKr.Ko
 Node IK1.Ko
 Node IKs.n
 Node Ito.Nai
 Node INaK.Nai
 Node INaCa.Nai
 Node INab.Nai
 Node INa.Nai
 Node IKs.Nai
 Node Ito.Nao
 Node INaK.Nao
 Node INaCa.Nao
 Node INab.Nao
 Node INa.Nao
 Node IKs.Nao
 Node IKr.pa
 Node Ito.q
 Node Ito.R
 Node INaK.R
 Node INaCa.R
 Node INab.R
 Node INa.R
 Node IKs.R
 Node IKr.R
 Node IK1.R
 Node ICab.R
 Node Ito.T
 Node INaK.T
 Node INaCa.T
 Node INab.T
 Node INa.T
 Node IKs.T
 Node IKr.T
 Node IK1.T
 Node ICab.T
 Node Ito.Vm
 Node INaK.Vm
 Node INaCa.Vm
 Node INab.Vm
 Node INa.Vm
 Node IKs.Vm
 Node IKr.Vm
 Node IK1.Vm
 Node ICaL.Vm
 Node ICab.Vm

org.simBio.bio.kurata_et_al_2005.flux での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.kurata_et_al_2005.flux のクラス
 class Leak
          leak flux (Jleak) from the uptake site of SRnet (mM/ms).
 class Release
 class Transfer
 class Uptake

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.kurata_et_al_2005.flux のフィールド
 Node Uptake.Cai
          [Ca2+]i (mM)
 Node Release.Cai
 Node Leak.Cai
          [Ca]i (mM)
 Node Transfer.Caj
          [Ca2+]rel (mM)
 Node Transfer.Can
          [Ca2+]up (mM)
 Node Release.Carel
 Node Leak.Caup
          [Ca]up (mM)
 Node Release.dR
 Node Release.fR
 Node Release.ICab
 Node Release.ICaL
 Node Release.INaCa
 Node Release.IpCa
 Node Release.Vm

org.simBio.bio.kurata_et_al_2005.molecule での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.kurata_et_al_2005.molecule のクラス
 class CaBuffer_RK
          Calculate using ordinary differential equation, working with analytic buffer.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.kurata_et_al_2005.molecule のフィールド
 Node CaBuffer_RK.Ca
          free Ca concentration (mM)
 Node CaBuffer_RK.CaTotal
          total Ca concentration (mM)

org.simBio.bio.kuratomi_et_al_2003.current.carrier での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.kuratomi_et_al_2003.current.carrier のクラス
 class Carrier
          Abstract class for ping-pong model of the carrier.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.kuratomi_et_al_2003.current.carrier のフィールド
 Node Carrier.amplitude
          amplitude factor (A/F)
 Node INaCa.Cai
          concentration of intracellular Calcium[mM]
 Node INaCa.Cao
          concentration of intracellular Calcium[mM]
 Node Carrier.gate
          reduced 2-state gate
 Node INaCa.inActivation
          inactivation gate
 Node INaCa.Nai
          concentration of intracellular Sodium [mM]
 Node INaCa.Nao
          concentration of intracellular Sodium [mM]
 Node INaCa.T
          absolute temperature[K]
 Node INaCa.Vm
          membrane potential of cell[mV]

org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.contraction での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.contraction のクラス
 class CrossBridgeForce
          Cross bridge force of NL contraction model, Negroni JA and Lascano EC.
 class CrossBridgeLength
          Length of cross bridge of NL contraction model, Negroni JA and Lascano EC.
 class ForceEquilibrium
          Calculation of force equilibrium.
 class IsotonicContraction
          Calculation of half sarcomere length in isotonic experiments.
 class ParallelElementForce
          Parallel element force of NL contraction model, Negroni JA and Lascano EC.
 class Troponin
          troponin of Negroni and Lascano contraction model.
 class Troponinmit
          Troponin state transition of Cardiac Muscle Model by Negroni and Lascano.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.contraction のフィールド
 Node Troponinmit.ADP
 Node Troponin.ATP
 Node Troponin.Ca
 Node Troponin.CaTotal
 Node Troponin.dATP
 Node Troponin.dXdt
 Node CrossBridgeLength.dXdt
          derivative value of inextensibleLength
 Node ForceEquilibrium.forceExt
 Node Troponin.L
 Node IsotonicContraction.L
 Node CrossBridgeLength.L
          half sarcomere length
 Node Troponinmit.Pi
 Node Troponin.T
 Node Troponin.TCa
 Node Troponin.TCaCB
 Node CrossBridgeForce.TCaCB
 Node Troponin.TCB
 Node CrossBridgeForce.TCB
 Node CrossBridgeLength.X
          half length of thick filament + thin filament length over the non-overlap zone
 Node CrossBridgeForce.X

org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.current での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.current のクラス
 class IRyR
          Calcium releasing channel on SR.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.current のフィールド
 Node IRyR.CaDiadic
          local Ca2+ concentration near the mouth of RyR channel.
 Node IRyR.Cai
          intracellular calcium concentration (mM)
 Node IRyR.Cao
          calcium concentration in SR release site (mM)
 Node IRyR.CICRfactor
 Node IRyR.close
          close state probability
 Node IRyR.K1
 Node IRyR.k1xclose
 Node IRyR.K2
 Node IRyR.K3
 Node IK1.Mg
          the concentration of Mg2+ (mM)
 Node IRyR.open
          open state probability
 Node IK1.Pspm
          the probability of being in the SPM block state
 Node IK1.SPM
          the concentration of Spermine (mM)

org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.current.carrier での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.current.carrier のクラス
 class ICaPump
          Ca pump on network SR.
 class IPMCA
          Ca pump on cell membrane. 1 ATP extrudes 1 Ca2+ and imports 1 H+ The H+ movement is not included in calculation.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.current.carrier のフィールド
 Node INaK.ADP
 Node ICaPump.ADP
          intracellular ATP concentration (mM)
 Node INaK.ATP
          concentration of ATP[mM]
 Node ICaPump.ATP
          intracellular ATP concentration (mM)
 Node IPMCA.Cai
          Ca2+ concentration in cytoplasm (mM)
 Node ICaPump.Cai
          Ca2+ concentration in cytoplasm (mM)
 Node IPMCA.Cao
          Ca2+ concentration in external solution (mM)
 Node ICaPump.Cao
          Ca2+ concentration in SR (mM, uptake site compartment)
 Node INaK.Couabain
          ouabain concentration
          instantaneous rate of the ATP consumption (M/s)
 Node INaK.dATP
          differential ATP [mM/msec]
 Node ICaPump.dATP
          variation of ATP concentration (mM/ms)
 Node INaK.Ki
          concentration of intracellular Potassium[mM]
 Node ICaPump.KmCaCp
          mM, dissociation const for Ca binding within cytoplasm
 Node INaK.Ko
          concentration of extracellular Potassium[mM]
 Node INaK.Nai
          concentration of intracellular Sodium[mM]
 Node INaK.Nao
          concentration of extracellular Sodium[mM]
 Node IPMCA.Pi
 Node INaK.Pi
 Node ICaPump.Pi
          PKA type I concentration (mM)
 Node INaK.PKA
          PKA phosphorylation parameter *
 Node ICaPump.PLBphos
          ratio of phosphorylated fraction of phospholamban
 Node INaK.T
          absolute temperature[K]
 Node IPMCA.Vi
          cell volume accessible for ion diffusion
 Node INaK.Vi
          cell volume accessible for ion diffusion[um^3]
 Node ICaPump.Vi
          cell volume accessible for ion diffusion
 Node INaK.Vm
          membrane potential of cell[mV]

org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.current.cf での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.current.cf のクラス
 class ICFTR
          Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator Cl- channel current.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.current.cf のフィールド
          concentration of intracellular ATP [mM]
 Node ICaL.ATP
          intracellular ATP concentration (mM)
 Node IKs.Ca
          intracellular Ca2+ concentration
 Node ICaL.CaDiadic
          local Ca2+ concentration near the mouth of L-type Ca channel (mM)
 Node ICaL.Cai
          intracellular Ca2+ concentration (mM)
 Node ICaL.gate
          ultra-slow gate probability
 Node IKs.gate1
          the open probability of voltage-dependent gate
 Node IKs.gate2
          the open probability of [Ca2+]i-dependent gate
 Node IKs.gateC2
          the C2 state probability of [Ca2+]i-dependent gate
 Node IKs.KCNQ1
 Node IKs.KCNQ1free
 Node IKs.KCNQ1p
 Node IKs.KCNQ1p_ratio
 Node ICaL.pAI
          AI state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pAP
          AP state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pC
          C state probability for calcium-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.PCa
 Node ICaL.PCl
 Node ICaL.PK
 Node IKs.PKA
          PKA catalitic domain I concentration
 Node ICaL.PKA
          PKA catalitic domain I concentration
 Node ICaL.PKA_fac
 Node ICaL.PNa
 Node IKs.POpen
 Node ICFTR.POpen
          open probability
 Node ICaL.pRP
          PR state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pU
          U state probability for calcium-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pUCa
          UCa state probability for calcium-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.SingleCurrentAMP
          to see single current amplitude
 Node IKs.Vm
          Membrane Potential (mV)
 Node ICaL.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)

org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.function での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.function のクラス
 class Average
 class ConcentrationAMP
          calculation of AMP concentration (conformed to mass conservation law).
 class KoDependency_IK1
          Updated [K]o dependency calculation for IK1.
 class PA2MS
          Average and Convert pA to M/S.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.function のフィールド
 Node ConcentrationAMP.ADPtotal
 Node ConcentrationAMP.ATPtotal
 Node ConcentrationAMP.cAMP
 Node KoDependency_IK1.Ko
          concentration of extracellular potassium [mM]
 Node Average.sum
          total amount
 Node Average.target
          target to sum
 Node PA2MS.Vi
          internal volume (um^3)

org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.molecule での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.molecule のクラス
 class BetaAR_Gs
          betaAR and Gs signaling module.
 class CAMP
          cAMP module.
 class PKA
          PKA module.
 class PLB
          Phospholamban module.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.kuzumoto_et_al_2007.molecule のフィールド
          A2RCI concentration (mM)
 Node PKA.A2RI
          A2RI concentration (mM)
          Adenylate cyclase concentration (mM)
          ADP concentration (mM)
          ARCI concentration (mM)
          ATP concentration (mM)
          ATP concentration (mM)
 Node BetaAR_Gs.beta1_AR
          free receptor concentration
 Node BetaAR_Gs.beta1_AR_S301
          site of 301 phosphorylated receptor concentration
 Node BetaAR_Gs.beta1_AR_S464
          site of 464 phosphorylated receptor concentration
 Node BetaAR_Gs.beta1_ARact
          active receptor concentration
 Node PKA.cAMP
          cAMP concentration (mM)
          Phosphodiesterase concentration (mM)
 Node PKA.cAMPtot
          total cAMP concentration (mM)
 Node CAMP.cAMPtot
          total cAMP concentration (mM)
 Node BetaAR_Gs.d_Gs_alpha_GTPtot
          Multi newton raphson function
 Node BetaAR_Gs.Gs
          free gs_protein concentration
 Node BetaAR_Gs.Gs_alpha_GDP
          Multi newton raphson function
 Node CAMP.Gs_alpha_GTP
          Gs_alpha GTP-form concentration (mM)
 Node CAMP.Gs_alpha_GTP_AC
          Gs_alpha_GTP and AC complex concentration (mM)
 Node CAMP.Gs_alpha_GTPtot
          Gs_alpha_GTP total concentration (mM)
 Node BetaAR_Gs.Gs_alpha_GTPtot
          Multi newton raphson function
 Node BetaAR_Gs.Gs_beta_gamma
          gs_beta_gamma_protein concentration
 Node BetaAR_Gs.Gstot
          total gs_protein concentration
 Node PLB.Inhib1
          inhibitor-1 concentration (mM)
 Node PLB.Inhib1p
          phosphorylated inhibitor-1 concentration (mM)
 Node PLB.Inhib1ptot
          phosphorylated inhibitor-1 total (Inhib1p + PP1_Inhib) concentration (mM)
 Node BetaAR_Gs.Iso
          total ligand concentration
 Node BetaAR_Gs.L
          free ligand concentration
 Node BetaAR_Gs.LR
          ligand-receptor complex concentration
 Node BetaAR_Gs.LRG
          ligand-receptor-gs_protein complex concentration
          Phosphodiesterase concentration (mM)
          PKA catalytic domain I concentration (mM)
          PKA concentration (mM)
 Node BetaAR_Gs.PKA
          PKA catalitic domain I
          PKA and PKI complex concentration (mM)
          protein kinase inhibitor (mM)
          PLB concentration (mM)
 Node PLB.PLBp
          phosphorylated PLB concentration (mM)
 Node PLB.PLBphos
          percent of PLB phosphorylation
 Node PLB.PP1
          protein phosphatase-1 concentration (mM)
 Node PLB.PP1_Inhib1p
          protein phosphatase-1 and phosphorylated inhibitor-1 complex concentration (mM)
          RCI concentration (mM)
 Node BetaAR_Gs.RG
          receptor-gs_protein complex concentration

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.complex での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.complex のクラス
 class ATPsynthesis
          The lumped model of ATP synthesis.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.complex のフィールド
 Node ATPsynthesis.ATP
          ATP concentration ([ATP]).

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.current での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.current のクラス
 class MembraneTransporter
          Abstract class of membrane transporters.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.current のフィールド
 Node Diffusion.Cai
          concentration of intracellular Ca2+ [mM]
 Node Diffusion.Cao
          concentration of extracellular Ca2+ [mM]
 Node MembraneTransporter.CCa
          to see Ca current component
 Node MembraneTransporter.CK
          to see K current component
 Node MembraneTransporter.CNa
          to see Na current component
 Node MembraneTransporter.current
 Node MembraneTransporter.currentCa
 Node MembraneTransporter.currentK
 Node MembraneTransporter.currentNa
 Node Diffusion.Ki
          concentration of intracellular K+ [mM]
 Node Diffusion.Ko
          concentration of extracellular K+ [mM]
 Node Diffusion.Nai
          concentration of intracellular Na+ [mM]
 Node Diffusion.Nao
          concentration of extracellular Na+ [mM]

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.current.carrier での Node の使用

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.current.carrier のフィールド
 Node Carrier.amplitude
          amplitude factor (A/F)
 Node INaK.ATP
          concentration of ATP[mM]
 Node ICaPump.ATP
          intracellular ATP concentration (mM)
 Node INaK.ATPconsumingRate
          rate of ATP consumption
 Node ICaPump.ATPconsumingRate
          consuming rate of ATP; (mM/min)
 Node INaK.ATPconsumption
          ATP consumption[mM]
 Node ICaPump.ATPconsumption
          ATP consumed at the time t (mM)
 Node INaCa.Cai
          concentration of intracellular Calcium[mM]
 Node ICaPump.Cai
          Ca2+ concentration in cytoplasm (mM)
 Node INaCa.Cao
          concentration of intracellular Calcium[mM]
 Node ICaPump.Cao
          Ca2+ concentration in SR (mM, uptake site compartment)
 Node INaK.dATP
          differential ATP [mM/msec]
 Node ICaPump.F
          Faradey constant
 Node Carrier.gate
          reduced 2-state gate
 Node INaK.Ki
          concentration of intracellular Potassium[mM]
 Node INaK.Ko
          concentration of extracellular Potassium[mM]
 Node INaK.Nai
          concentration of intracellular Sodium[mM]
 Node INaCa.Nai
          concentration of intracellular Sodium [mM]
 Node INaK.Nao
          concentration of extracellular Sodium[mM]
 Node INaCa.Nao
          concentration of intracellular Sodium [mM]
 Node INaK.T
          absolute temperature[K]
 Node INaCa.T
          absolute temperature[K]
 Node INaK.Vi
          cell volume accessible for ion diffusion[um^3]
 Node ICaPump.Vi
          cell volume accessible for ion diffusion
 Node INaK.Vm
          membrane potential of cell[mV]
 Node INaCa.Vm
          membrane potential of cell[mV]

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.current.cf での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.current.cf のクラス
 class ILCCa
          Calcium activated Non-Selective Cation current.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.current.cf のフィールド
 Node Ist.activation
          gate variable
 Node ICaT.activation
          open probability of activation gate
 Node ICaL.ATP
          intracellular ATP concentration (mM)
 Node ICaL.CaDiadic
          local Ca2+ concentration near the mouth of L-type Ca channel (mM)
 Node Ist.Cai
          intracellular calcium concentration (mM)
 Node ILCCa.Cai
          intracellular calcium concentration (mM)
 Node ICaL.Cai
          intracellular calcium concentration (mM)
 Node Iha.closedState1
 Node Iha.closedState2
 Node CfChannel.constantFieldCa
          Ca2+ flux calculated by constant field theory [mM]
 Node CfChannel.constantFieldK
          K+ flux calculated by constant field theory [mM]
 Node CfChannel.constantFieldNa
          Na+ flux calculated by constant field theory [mM]
 Node INa.gate
          ultra-slow gate
 Node ICaL.gate
          ultra-slow gate probability
 Node Ito.gate1
          activation gating variable
 Node Ito.gate2
          inactivation gating variable
 Node IKpl.GK
          channel conductance
 Node Ist.inactivation
          gate variable
 Node ICaT.inactivation
          open probability of inactivation gate
 Node Iha.openState1
 Node Iha.openState2
 Node INa.pAI
          AI state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pAI
          AI state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node INa.pAP
          AP state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pAP
          AP state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pC
          C state probability for calcium-dependent gate
 Node INa.pRP
          RP state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pRP
          PR state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pU
          U state probability for calcium-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pUCa
          UCa state probability for calcium-dependent gate
 Node Ist.slowInactivation
          gate variable
 Node ICaL.sumCa
          integration of ICaL
 Node Ito.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)
 Node Ist.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)
 Node INa.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)
 Node IKpl.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)
 Node Iha.Vm
 Node ICaT.Vm
          membrane potential
 Node ICaL.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.current.channel での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.current.channel のクラス
 class Channel
          template of Channel.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.current.channel のフィールド
 Node IRyR.CaDiadic
          local Ca2+ concentration near the mouth of RyR channel
 Node IRyR.Cai
          intracellular calcium concentration (mM)
 Node IRyR.Cao
          extracellular calcium concentration (mM)
 Node IRyR.close
          close state probability
 Node IRyR.open
          open state probability
 Node IRyR.sumCa
          integration of IRyR

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.current.pipette での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.current.pipette のクラス
 class CurrentClamp
          current clamp, external current in the RC membrane model.
 class Pipette
          external current in the RC membrane model.
 class VoltageClamp
          voltage clamp protocol.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.current.pipette のフィールド
 Node VoltageClamp.observedCurrent
          current through the cell membrane
 Node VoltageClamp.timeStep
          time step for integral calculation
 Node VoltageClamp.Vm
          membrane potential

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.current.potassium での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.current.potassium のクラス
 class IKATP
          ATP-sensitive potassium current.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.current.potassium のフィールド
 Node IK1.alfa
          rate constant
          concentration of intracellular ATP[mM]
 Node IKs.Ca
          intracellular Ca2+ concentration
 Node IKACh.gate
 Node IK1.gate
          gate, blocked by polyamine (time dependent compornent)
 Node IKs.gate1
          the open probability of voltage-dependent gate
 Node IKr.gate1
          activation gating variable (the rapid component)
 Node IKs.gate2
          the open probability of [Ca2+]i-dependent gate
 Node IKr.gate2
          activation gating variable (the slow component)
 Node IKr.gate3
          inactivation gating variable
 Node PureKchannel.permeabilityK
          channel permeability for potassium
 Node PureKchannel.reversalPotential
          reversal potential
 Node PureKchannel.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)
 Node IKs.Vm
          Membrane Potential(mV)

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.function での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.function のクラス
 class Charge
          keep whole cell current from external solution.
 class ConstantField
          calculate constant field.
 class Diffusion_a
          The first order ordinary differential equation is solved using analytic equation.
 class Diffusion_t
          The first order ordinary differential equation is solved using analytic equation.
 class KoDependency
          dependency of extracellular potassium concentration.
 class RateConstant
          function, c1/(c2*exp((x+c3)/c4)+c5*exp((x+c6)/c7))
 class RateConstantK
 class RateConstantVm
 class ReversalPotential
          calculate reversal potential of the specific ion.
 class Volume

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.function のフィールド
 Node Charge.Cm
          membrane capacitance (pF)
 Node Diffusion_a.dt
 Node ReversalPotential.in
          intracellular ion concentration (mM)
 Node Current.in
          internal ion concentration (mM)
 Node ConstantField.in
          intracellular ion concentration (mM)
 Node KoDependency.Ko
          concentration of extracellular potassium [mM]
 Node ReversalPotential.out
          extracellular ion concentration (mM)
 Node Current.out
          external ion concentration (mM)
 Node ConstantField.out
          extracellular ion concentration (mM)
 Node Volume.ratio
 Node RateConstantK.reversalPotential
 Node Diffusion_t.t
 Node ReversalPotential.T
          the absolute temperature (K)
 Node ConstantField.T
          the absolute temperature (K)
 Node Diffusion_t.target
 Node Diffusion_a.target
 Node Volume.total
          total value
 Node Current.Vi
          internal volume (um^3)
 Node RateConstantVm.Vm
 Node RateConstantK.Vm
 Node ConstantField.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)
 Node Charge.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)
 Node Current.Vo
          external volume (um^3)

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.molecule.buffer での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.molecule.buffer のクラス
 class Buffer
          abstract of buffer

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.molecule.buffer のフィールド
 Node Buffer.free
          free concentration (mM)

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.molecule.buffer.Ca での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.molecule.buffer.Ca のクラス
 class Analytic
          instantaneous Ca buffer, using analytic equation as for Zeng et al, 1995 J.
 class Analytic_RK
          instantaneous Ca buffer using analytic equation as for Zeng et al, 1995.
 class InstantCaBuffer
          instantaneous Ca buffer, iterative method.
 class ODE
          Ca buffer, using ordinary differential equation (ODE).
 class TroponinNL
          Troponin state transition of Cardiac Muscle Model by Negroni and Lascano.
 class TroponinNL_RK
          Troponin state transition of Negroni and Lascano contraction model for Runge-Kutta.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.molecule.buffer.Ca のフィールド
 Node TroponinNL.ATP
 Node TroponinNL.ATPconsumingRate
 Node TroponinNL.ATPconsumption
 Node TroponinNL.Ca
 Node ODE.Ca
          free Ca2+ concentration (mM)
 Node InstantCaBuffer.Ca
 Node Analytic_RK.Ca
          free calcium concentration (mM)
 Node Analytic.Ca
 Node TroponinNL_RK.CaTotal
          total Ca concentration
 Node Analytic_RK.CaTotal
          total calcium concentration (free calcium + buffered calcium + influx/efflux calcium) (mM)
 Node TroponinNL.TCa
 Node TroponinNL.TCaCB
 Node TroponinNL.TCB

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.molecule.enzyme での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.molecule.enzyme のクラス
 class CrossBridgeNL
          Cross bridge kinetics of Cardiac Muscle Model by Negroni and Lascano.
 class IsometricContraction
          Isometric Contraction

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2003.molecule.enzyme のフィールド
 Node CrossBridgeNL.forceCB
 Node CrossBridgeNL.forceExt
 Node CrossBridgeNL.h
 Node CrossBridgeNL.halfsarcomerelength
 Node CrossBridgeNL.InextensibleLength

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.current.carrier での Node の使用

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.current.carrier のフィールド
 Node INaK.ADP
 Node ICaPump.ADP
 Node INaK.Pi

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.exp での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.exp のクラス
 class Anoxia
          Anoxia condition on ventricular cell model was occured to regulate the oxygen concentration.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.exp のフィールド
 Node Anoxia.elapsedTime
 Node Anoxia.oxygen

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.function での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.function のクラス
 class Acidity
          calculation of pH (acidity) of the optional solution.
 class ConcentrationCyta2
          Calculation of the concentration of Cytochrome a2+ [Cyt a2+] = [Cyt a]total/(1 + A_3/2) where; A_3/2 = 10^((Ema - Ema0)/Z) :ratio of oxidized cytochrome a3 to reduced cytochrome a3
 class ConcentrationPi
          calculation of iorganic phosphate concentration (conformed to mass conservation law) Pitotal = 3*[ATP]cell + 2*[ADP]cell + [AMP] + [PhosphoCreatine] + [Pi]cell + (3*[ATP]mito + 2*[ADP]mito + [Pi]mito) / Rcm [Pi]cell = Pitotal - (3*[ATP]cell + 2*[ADP]cell + [AMP] + [PhosphoCreatine] + (3*[ATP]mito + 2*[ADP]mito + [Pi]mito) / Rcm)
 class GradientP
          proton driving force dP = 1/(1 - u) * dpH
 class GradientpH
          proton gradient on mitochondrial inner membrane.
 class MassConservation
          calculation of molecular concentration conformed to mass conservation law [A] = [A]total - [A']
 class MassConservation2
          calculation of molecular concentration conformed to mass conservation law [A] = [A]total - [A']
 class MembranePotential
          membrane potential on mitochondrial inner membrane.
 class MetalFreeConcentration
          free concentration of metal affinity molecule [A]free = [A]total / (1 + [metal]free / kD)
 class PartialPotential
          calcuration of partial potential.
 class PressureToConcentration
          calculation of concentration of gas-molecule from partial pressure.
 class RedoxPotential
          Calculation of the redox potential.
 class RedoxPotentialCyta
          Calculation of the redox potential of cytochrome a Ema = Emc + dP * (2 + 2 * u) / 2
 class VolumeRatio
          Calculation of volume ratio between cell and organella.
 class Zvalue
          calculation of z value.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.function のフィールド
 Node ConcentrationAMP.AdenosineTotal
 Node ConcentrationPi.ADPtcell
          total ADP concentration in cytosol
 Node ConcentrationAMP.ADPtcell
 Node ConcentrationPi.ADPtmit
          total ADP concentration in mitochondria
 Node ConcentrationPi.AMP
          AMP concentration in cytosol
 Node ConcentrationPi.ATPtcell
          total ATP concentration in cytosol
 Node ConcentrationAMP.ATPtcell
 Node ConcentrationPi.ATPtmit
          total ATP concentration in mitochondria
 Node RedoxPotentialCyta.dP
          proton gradient
 Node MembranePotential.dP
          proton driving force
 Node MembranePotential.dpH
          proton gradient of mitochondrial matrix to cytosol
 Node GradientP.dpH
          proton gradient between cytosol and matrix
 Node ConcentrationCyta2.Ema
          redox potential of cytochrome a
 Node RedoxPotentialCyta.Emc
          redox potential of cytochrome c
 Node MetalFreeConcentration.metal
          metal ion concentration
 Node MassConservation.other
          other concentration of the same molecular group
 Node PressureToConcentration.PartialPressure
 Node ConcentrationPi.PCr
          phosphocreatine concentration in cytosol
 Node GradientpH.pHcell
          pH of cytosol
 Node GradientpH.pHmit
          pH of mitochondrial matrix
 Node ConcentrationPi.Pimit
          iorganic phosphate concentration in mitochondria
 Node RedoxPotential.Product
          product and substrate concentrations of reaction
 Node Acidity.Proton
 Node VolumeRatio.ratio
          volume ratio
 Node ConcentrationPi.Rcm
          volume ratio between cytosol and mitochondrial matrix
 Node RedoxPotential.Substrate
          product and substrate concentrations of reaction
 Node PartialPotential.total
          membrane potential
 Node MetalFreeConcentration.total
          total concentration
 Node MassConservation.total
          total concentration
 Node ConcentrationCyta2.Zvalue
          Z = 2.303 * R * T / F

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.function.chemical での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.function.chemical のクラス
 class CN
          effect of CN addition.
 class FCCP
          effect of FCCP addition.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.function.chemical のフィールド
 Node CN.CN
          cyanide concentration
          FCCP concentration

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.molecule での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.molecule のクラス
 class SubstrateDehydrogenation
          NADH dehydrogenation.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.molecule のフィールド
 Node Diffusion.external
          external concentration
 Node Diffusion.internal
          internal concentration
 Node SubstrateDehydrogenation.NAD
          NAD+ concentration
 Node SubstrateDehydrogenation.NADH
          NADH concentration
 Node SubstrateDehydrogenation.Rcm
          ratio of cytosol active volume and mitochondria volume

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.molecule.buffer での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.molecule.buffer のクラス
 class HBuffering
          Buffering capacity coefficient for H+ (rbuffer).

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.molecule.buffer のフィールド
 Node HBuffering.pH
          a measure of the activity of hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.molecule.buffer.Ca での Node の使用

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.molecule.buffer.Ca のフィールド
 Node TroponinNL_RK.ADP
 Node TroponinNL_RK.Pi

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.molecule.enzyme での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.molecule.enzyme のクラス
 class AK
          Adenylate Kinase (AK) System vAK = kf*[ADP]free_cell*[ADP]mg_cell - kb*[ATP]mg_cell*[AMP]cell
 class CK
          Creatine Kinase (CK) System.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.molecule.enzyme のフィールド
 Node AK.ADPfree
          free ADP concentration in cytosol
 Node AK.ADPmg
          Mg binding ADP concentration in cytosol
 Node CK.ADPtotal
          total ADP concentration in cytosol
 Node AK.ADPtotal
          total ADP concentration in cytosol
 Node AK.AMP
          AMP concentration in cytosol
 Node AK.ATPmg
          Mg binding ATP concentration in cytosol
 Node CK.ATPtotal
          total ATP concentration in cytosol
 Node AK.ATPtotal
          total ATP concentration in cytosol
 Node CK.Cr
          creatine concentration in cytosol
 Node CK.PCr
          phosphocreatine concentration in cytosol
 Node CK.Proton
          proton concentration in cytosol

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.molecule.RespiratoryChain での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.molecule.RespiratoryChain のクラス
 class ATPsynthase
          Mitochondrial F1/F0 ATP Synthase.
 class ComplexI
          NADH-Ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I).
 class ComplexIII
          Cytochrome bc1 Complex (complex III).
 class ComplexIV
          Cytochrome c Oxidase (complex IV).
 class OxidativePhosphorylation
          Differential equation for reactions of oxidattive phosphorylation.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.molecule.RespiratoryChain のフィールド
 Node ComplexIV.a2
          cytochrome a2+ (reduced) concentration
 Node ATPsynthase.ADPtmito
          total ADP concentration in mitochondrial matrix
 Node ATPsynthase.ATPtmito
          total ATP concentration in mitochondrial matrix
 Node ComplexIV.c2
          cytochrome c2+ (reduced) concentration
 Node OxidativePhosphorylation.Cytc2
          cytochrome c2+ (reduced) concentration
 Node ComplexIII.dP
          proton driving force of mitochondrial inner membrane
 Node ComplexI.dP
          proton driving force on mitochondrial inner membrane
 Node ATPsynthase.dP
          proton driving force on mitochondrial inner membrane
 Node ComplexIII.Emc
          redox potential for cytochrome c
 Node ComplexI.EmN
          redox potential for NADH
 Node ComplexIII.EmU
          redox potential for ubiquinone
 Node ComplexI.EmU
          redox potential for ubiquinone
 Node ATPsynthase.Hcell
          proton concentration in cytosol
 Node OxidativePhosphorylation.Hmito
          proton concentration in mitochondrial matrix
 Node ATPsynthase.Hmito
          proton concentration in mitochondrial matrix
 Node ComplexIV.kC4
          rate constant of complex IV
 Node OxidativePhosphorylation.NADH
          mitochondrial NADH concentration
 Node ComplexIV.O2
          oxygen concentration
 Node OxidativePhosphorylation.Oxygen
          oxygen concentration
 Node ATPsynthase.Pitmito
          inorganic phosphate concentration in mitochondrial matrix
 Node OxidativePhosphorylation.rbuffermito
          buffering capacity for proton in mitochondrial matrix
 Node ATPsynthase.rbuffermito
          buffering capacity for proton in mitochondrial matrix
 Node OxidativePhosphorylation.Rcm
          ratio of cytosol volume and mitochondria volume
 Node ATPsynthase.Rcm
          ratio of cytosol volume and mitochondria volume
 Node OxidativePhosphorylation.UQH2
          ubiquinol (UQH2) concentration
 Node OxidativePhosphorylation.vC1
          rate of complex I
 Node OxidativePhosphorylation.vC3
          rate of complex III
 Node OxidativePhosphorylation.vC4
          rate of complex IV

org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.molecule.Transporter での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.molecule.Transporter のクラス
 class ANT
          ADP/ATP carrier, ADP/ATP translocase, SLC25A4.
 class PhosphateCarrier
          Phosphate Transporter.
 class ProtonLeak
          Proton leak from cytosol to intremitochondoria.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.matsuoka_et_al_2004.molecule.Transporter のフィールド
 Node ANT.ADPfcell
          Mg free ADP concentration in cytosol (mM)
 Node ANT.ADPfmito
          Mg free ADP concentration in mitohocndria (mM)
 Node ANT.ADPtcell
          total ADP concentration in cytosol (mM)
 Node ANT.ATPfcell
          Mg free ATP concentration in cytosol (mM)
 Node ANT.ATPfmito
          Mg free ATP concentration in mitohocndria (mM)
 Node ANT.ATPtcell
          total ATP concentration in cytosol (mM)
 Node ANT.ATPtmito
          total ATP concentration in mitohocndria (mM)
 Node ProtonLeak.dP
          proton gradient of mitohocndrial inner membrane
 Node ANT.dPsicell
          membrane potential at matrix side of mitochondrial inner membrane (mV)
 Node ANT.dPsimito
          membrane potential at matrix side of mitochondrial inner membrane (mV)
 Node ProtonLeak.Hcell
          proton concentration in cytosol (mM)
 Node PhosphateCarrier.Hcell
          proton concentration in cytosol (mM)
 Node ProtonLeak.Hmito
          proton concentration in mitohocndria (mM)
 Node PhosphateCarrier.Hmito
          proton concentration in mitochondrial matrix (mM)
 Node ANT.Hmito
          proton concentration in mitohocndria (mM)
 Node ProtonLeak.kLK1
          rate constant of proton leak (mM/msec)
 Node PhosphateCarrier.pHcell
          pH in cytosol
 Node PhosphateCarrier.pHmito
          pH in mitochondrial matrix
 Node PhosphateCarrier.Pitcell
          inorganic phosphate concentration in cytosol (mM)
 Node PhosphateCarrier.Pitmito
          inorganic phosphate concentration in mitochondrial matrix (mM)
 Node ProtonLeak.rbuffermito
          buffering capacity for proton in mitochondrial matrix
 Node PhosphateCarrier.rbuffermito
          buffering capacity for proton in mitochondrial matrix
 Node ANT.rbuffermito
          buffering capacity for proton in mitochondrial matrix
 Node ProtonLeak.Rcm
          ratio of cytosol volume and mitochondria volume
 Node PhosphateCarrier.Rcm
          ratio of cytosol volume and mitochondria volume
 Node ANT.Rcm
          ratio of cytosol volume and mitochondria volume

org.simBio.bio.negroni_lascano_1996 での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.negroni_lascano_1996 のクラス
 class CrossBridge
          Cross bridge kinetics of Cardiac Muscle Model by Negroni and Lascano.
 class Qpump
          equation 8 in the Negroni and Lascano, 1996 Qpump=Kp/(1+(Km/[Ca2+])^2)
 class Qrel
          equation 9 in the Negroni and Lascano, 1996

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.negroni_lascano_1996 のフィールド
 Node Troponin.Ca
 Node Qrel.Ca
 Node Qpump.Ca
 Node Qrel.CaRest
 Node Troponin.dXdt
 Node CrossBridge.dXdt
 Node Qrel.elapsedTime
 Node CrossBridge.Fb
 Node CrossBridge.Fp
 Node Qrel.Km
 Node Qpump.Km
 Node Qrel.Kp
 Node Qpump.Kp
 Node Troponin.L
 Node CrossBridge.L
 Node Qrel.Qm
 Node Qrel.Qpump
 Node Qrel.QpumpRest
 Node Qrel.Qsr
 Node Qrel.t0
 Node Qrel.t1
 Node Troponin.TCa
 Node Troponin.TCaCB
 Node CrossBridge.TCaCB
 Node Troponin.TCB
 Node CrossBridge.TCB
 Node CrossBridge.X

org.simBio.bio.negroni_lascano_1996.exp での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.negroni_lascano_1996.exp のクラス
 class LChange
          muscle length is set with the controlled step and duration
 class Model
          Cardiac Muscle Model by Negroni and Lascano.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.negroni_lascano_1996.exp のフィールド
 Node Model.Ca
 Node Model.Fb
 Node Model.Fp
 Node Model.L
 Node LChange.L
          muscle length
 Node Model.TCa
 Node Model.TCaCB
 Node Model.TCB
 Node Model.X

org.simBio.bio.noble_et_al_1998 での Node の使用

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.noble_et_al_1998 のフィールド
 Node Model.CaCalmod
 Node Model.Cads
 Node Model.Cai
 Node Model.Carel
 Node Model.CaTrop
 Node Model.Caup
 Node Model.CrossBridge
 Node Model.d
 Node Model.E
 Node Model.f
 Node Model.f2
 Node Model.f2ds
 Node Model.FrAct
 Node Model.FrProd
 Node Model.h
 Node Model.ICaL
 Node Model.IKr
 Node Model.IKs
 Node Model.Istim
 Node Model.Ki
 Node Model.Ko
 Node Model.LightChain
 Node Model.m
 Node Model.Nai
 Node Model.r
 Node Model.s
 Node Model.Tension
 Node Model.xr1
 Node Model.xr2
 Node Model.xs

org.simBio.bio.oka_et_al_2006.function での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.oka_et_al_2006.function のクラス
 class JunctionalConductance
          Calculate the junctional conductance (nS).
 class JunctionalPotential
          Calculate the trans-junctional potential between neighbouring two cells.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.oka_et_al_2006.function のフィールド
 Node JunctionalConductance.gj
          the unitary conductance of gap junction channels (pS)
 Node JunctionalConductance.pOpen
          the mean open probability of the gates
 Node JunctionalPotential.Vm1
          membrane potential of cell no 1
 Node JunctionalPotential.Vm2
          membrane potential of cell no 2

org.simBio.bio.oka_et_al_2006.function.kinetics での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.oka_et_al_2006.function.kinetics のクラス
 class IndependentGate
          Calculate the mean open probability of the gating model consisting of multiple independent gates.
 class MultiStateModel
          Ligand-operated multi transition model.
 class RateConstantCaGate
          Calculate the forward and backward rate constans of two-state model by using time constant, pKd and Hill coefficient
 class TwoStateModel
          Two-state model.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.oka_et_al_2006.function.kinetics のフィールド
 Node TwoStateModel.close
          closed state probability
 Node MultiStateModel.close
          closed state probability
 Node RateConstantCaGate.k_backward
          backward rate constant
 Node RateConstantCaGate.k_forward
          forward rate constant
 Node TwoStateModel.ligand
          ligand concentration
 Node MultiStateModel.ligand
          ligand concentration
 Node TwoStateModel.open
          open state probability
 Node MultiStateModel.open
          open state probability
 Node RateConstantCaGate.pX

org.simBio.bio.oka_et_al_2006.structure での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.oka_et_al_2006.structure のクラス
 class GapJunctionK
          Gap junction model.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.oka_et_al_2006.structure のフィールド
 Node GapJunction.Cm1
          membrane capacitance of cell #1 (pF)
 Node GapJunction.Cm2
          membrane capacitance of cell #2 (pS)
 Node GapJunction.conductance
          conductance of gapjunction (nS)
 Node GapJunctionK.Ki1
          intracellular K+ concentration of cell #1 (mM)
 Node GapJunctionK.Ki2
          intracellular K+ concentration of cell #2 (mM)
 Node GapJunction.Vm1
          membrane potential of cell #1 (mV)
 Node GapJunction.Vm2
          membrane potential of cell #2 (mV)
 Node GapJunctionK.volume1
          cell volume of cell #1 (um3)
 Node GapJunctionK.volume2
          cell volume of cell #2 (um3)

org.simBio.bio.sarai_et_al_2003 での Node の使用

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.sarai_et_al_2003 のフィールド
 Node VoltageClamp.observedCurrent
          total current through the cell membrane (pA)
 Node VoltageClamp.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)

org.simBio.bio.sarai_et_al_2006.current.carrier での Node の使用

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.sarai_et_al_2006.current.carrier のフィールド
          intracellular ADP concentration (mM)
          intracellular ATP concentration (mM)
 Node IPMCA.Cai
          Ca2+ concentration in cytoplasm (mM)
 Node IPMCA.Cao
          Ca2+ concentration in external solution (mM)
          rate of the ATP consumption (mM/ms)
 Node IPMCA.Vi
          cell volume accessible for ion diffusion

org.simBio.bio.sarai_et_al_2006.current.cf での Node の使用

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.sarai_et_al_2006.current.cf のフィールド
 Node ICaL.ATP
          intracellular ATP concentration (mM)
 Node ICaL.CaDiadic
          local Ca2+ concentration near the mouth of L-type Ca channel (mM)
 Node ICaL.Cai
          intracellular calcium concentration (mM)
 Node ICaL.gate
          ultra-slow gate probability
 Node ICaL.pAI
          AI state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pAP
          AP state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pC
          C state probability for calcium-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pRP
          PR state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pU
          U state probability for calcium-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pUCa
          UCa state probability for calcium-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.sumCa
          integration of ICaL
 Node ICaL.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)

org.simBio.bio.sarai_et_al_2006.function での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.sarai_et_al_2006.function のクラス
 class Rate
 class Ratio

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.sarai_et_al_2006.function のフィールド
 Node Ratio.denominator
 Node Ratio.numerator
 Node Rate.sum
          total amount
 Node Rate.target
          target to sum

org.simBio.bio.sarai_noma_2004 での Node の使用

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.sarai_noma_2004 のフィールド
 Node VoltageClamp.Vm

org.simBio.bio.sarai_noma_2004.fourState での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.sarai_noma_2004.fourState のクラス
 class MonteCarlo
 class NaChannel
          4 state gate of fast Sodium channel calculated by Monte Carlo method and ordinary differential Equations.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.sarai_noma_2004.fourState のフィールド
protected  Node ODE.pAI
protected  Node ODE.pAP
protected  Node ODE.pRP

org.simBio.bio.sarai_noma_2004.structure での Node の使用

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.sarai_noma_2004.structure のフィールド
 Node GapJunction.Cm1
          membrane capacitance of cell #1
 Node GapJunction.Cm2
          membrane capacitance of cell #2
 Node GapJunction.Vm1
          membrane potential of cell #1
 Node GapJunction.Vm2
          membrane potential of cell #2

org.simBio.bio.takeuchi_et_al_2006.current での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.takeuchi_et_al_2006.current のクラス
 class PMCA
          sarcolemmal Ca2+ pump.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.takeuchi_et_al_2006.current のフィールド
 Node ICaL.ATP
          intracellular ATP concentration (mM)
 Node IRyR.CaDiadic
          local Ca2+ concentration near the mouth of RyR channel
 Node ICaL.CaDiadic
          local Ca2+ concentration near the mouth of L-type Ca channel (mM)
 Node PMCA.Cai
          concentration of intracellular Ca2+ [mM]
 Node IRyR.Cai
          intracellular calcium concentration (mM)
 Node INaCa.Cai
          concentration of intracellular Ca2+ [mM]
 Node ICaL.Cai
          intracellular Ca2+ concentration (mM)
 Node INaCa.Cao
          concentration of extracellular Ca2+ [mM]
 Node IRyR.Carel
          calcium concentration in SR rel (mM)
 Node IRyR.close
          close state probability
 Node CfChannel.constantFieldCa
          Ca2+ flux calculated by constant field theory [mM]
 Node CfChannel.constantFieldCl
          Cl- flux calculated by constant field theory [mM]
 Node CfChannel.constantFieldK
          K+ flux calculated by constant field theory [mM]
 Node CfChannel.constantFieldNa
          Na+ flux calculated by constant field theory [mM]
 Node ICaL.gate
          ultra-slow gate probability
 Node INaCa.inActivation1
          I1 probability for inactivation gate 1 (Na-dependent)
 Node INaCa.inActivation2
          I2 probability for inactivation gate 2 (Ca-dependent)
 Node INaCa.Nai
          concentration of intracellular Na+ [mM]
 Node INaCa.Nao
          concentration of extracellular Na+ [mM]
 Node IRyR.open
          open state probability
 Node ICaL.pAI
          AI state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pAP
          AP state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pC
          C state probability for Ca2+-dependent gate
 Node INaCa.pE1total
          E1 probability
 Node PMCA.permeabilityCa
          factor to define the maximum PMCA current [pA/pF]
 Node CfChannel.permeabilityCa
          channel permeability for Ca2+
 Node CfChannel.permeabilityCl
          channel permeability for Cl- [pA/pF/mM]
 Node CfChannel.permeabilityK
          channel permeability for K+ [pA/pF/mM][pA/pF/mM]
 Node CfChannel.permeabilityNa
          channel permeability for Na+ [pA/pF/mM]
 Node ICaL.pRP
          PR state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pU
          U state probability for Ca2+-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pUCa
          UCa state probability for Ca2+-dependent gate
 Node INaCa.T
          absolute temperature [K]
 Node INaCa.Vm
          membrane potential [mV]
 Node ICaL.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)

org.simBio.bio.takeuchi_et_al_2006.function での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.takeuchi_et_al_2006.function のクラス
 class Electroneutrality
          Calculate difference between total amounts of cations and anions.
 class ENaCa
          equilibrium potential for Na+/Ca2+ exchanger.
 class Ouabain
          Calculate ouabain effect on amplitude of INaK.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.takeuchi_et_al_2006.function のフィールド
 Node Electroneutrality.aCa
          amount of intracellular Ca2+ [pEq]
 Node Electroneutrality.aCl
          amount of intracellular Cl- [pEq]
 Node Electroneutrality.aK
          amount of intracellular K+ [pEq]
 Node Electroneutrality.aLA
          amount of intracellular LA [pEq]
 Node Electroneutrality.aNa
          amount of intracellular Na+ [pEq]
 Node Electroneutrality.Ca
          concentration of intracellular Ca2+ [mM]
 Node Electroneutrality.Cl
          concentration of intracellular Cl- [mM]
 Node ENaCa.ECa
          equilibrium potential for Ca2+ [mV]
 Node ENaCa.ENa
          equilibrium potential for Na+ [mV]
 Node Electroneutrality.K
          concentration of intracellular K+ [mM]
 Node Electroneutrality.LA
          concentration of intracellular LA [mM]
 Node Ouabain.max
          maximum amplitude [A/F]
 Node Electroneutrality.Na
          concentration of intracellular Na+ [mM]
 Node Ouabain.ouabain
          concentration of extracellular ouabain [mM]
 Node Electroneutrality.totalanion
          amount of intracellular total anions [pEq]
 Node Electroneutrality.totalcation
          amount of intracellular total cations [pEq]
 Node Electroneutrality.volume
          intracellular actuve volume [um^3]

org.simBio.bio.tenTusscher_et_al_2004.complex での Node の使用

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.tenTusscher_et_al_2004.complex のフィールド
 Node SR.Cai
 Node SR.CaTotal
 Node SR.Ileak
 Node SR.Irel
 Node SR.Iup

org.simBio.bio.tenTusscher_et_al_2004.current での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.tenTusscher_et_al_2004.current のクラス
 class IbCa
          Background Ca2+ current.
 class IbNa
          Background Na+ current.
 class ICa
          L-type Ca2+ current.
 class IpK
          Plateau K current.
 class Ito_endo
          Transient outward current.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.tenTusscher_et_al_2004.current のフィールド
 Node IpCa.Cai
 Node ICa.Cai
 Node ICa.Cao
 Node Ito_endo.conductance
 Node Ito.conductance
 Node INa.conductance
 Node IKs.conductance
 Node IKr.conductance
 Node IK1.conductance
 Node ICa.conductance
 Node ICa.d
 Node ICa.dinfi
 Node Ito_endo.dt
 Node Ito.dt
 Node INa.dt
 Node IKs.dt
 Node IKr.dt
 Node ICa.dt
 Node ICa.dtau
 Node ICa.eCa
 Node IbCa.eCa
 Node Ito_endo.eK
 Node Ito.eK
 Node IpK.eK
 Node IKr.eK
 Node IK1.eK
 Node IKs.eKs
 Node INa.eNa
 Node IbNa.eNa
 Node ICa.f
 Node ICa.fCa
 Node ICa.fCainfi
 Node ICa.finfi
 Node ICa.ftau
 Node IK1.gate
 Node INa.h
 Node INa.hinfi
 Node INa.htau
 Node INa.j
 Node INa.jinfi
 Node INa.jtau
 Node IKr.Ko
 Node IK1.Ko
 Node INa.m
 Node INa.minfi
 Node INa.mtau
 Node Ito_endo.r
 Node Ito.r
 Node Ito_endo.rinfi
 Node Ito.rinfi
 Node Ito_endo.rtau
 Node Ito.rtau
 Node Ito_endo.s
 Node Ito.s
 Node Ito_endo.sinfi
 Node Ito.sinfi
 Node INa.ssActivation
 Node INa.ssInactivation
 Node Ito_endo.stau
 Node Ito.stau
 Node Ito_endo.Vm
 Node Ito.Vm
 Node IpK.Vm
 Node INa.Vm
 Node IKs.Vm
 Node IKr.Vm
 Node IK1.Vm
 Node ICa.Vm
 Node IbNa.Vm
 Node IbCa.Vm
 Node IKr.xr1
 Node IKr.xr1infi
 Node IKr.xr1tau
 Node IKr.xr2
 Node IKr.xr2infi
 Node IKr.xr2tau
 Node IKs.xs
 Node IKs.xsinfi
 Node IKs.xstau

org.simBio.bio.tenTusscher_et_al_2004.current.carrier での Node の使用

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.tenTusscher_et_al_2004.current.carrier のフィールド
 Node INaCa.alfa
 Node INaK.amplitude
 Node INaCa.amplitude
 Node INaCa.Cai
 Node INaCa.Cao
 Node INaK.F
 Node INaCa.gamma
 Node INaCa.KmCa
 Node INaK.KmK
 Node INaK.KmNa
 Node INaCa.KmNai
 Node INaK.Ko
 Node INaCa.ksat
 Node INaK.Nai
 Node INaCa.Nai
 Node INaCa.Nao
 Node INaK.R
 Node INaK.T
 Node INaK.Vm
 Node INaCa.Vm

org.simBio.bio.tenTusscher_et_al_2004.flux での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.tenTusscher_et_al_2004.flux のクラス
 class UpTake
          Pump current taking up calcium into SR.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.tenTusscher_et_al_2004.flux のフィールド
 Node UpTake.Cai
 Node Release.Cai
 Node Leak.Cai
 Node Release.Casr
 Node Leak.Casr
 Node Release.d
 Node Release.dt
 Node Release.g
 Node Release.ginfi
 Node Release.Vm

org.simBio.bio.tenTusscher_et_al_2004.function での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.tenTusscher_et_al_2004.function のクラス
 class ReversalPotential2
          calculate reversal potential of the specific Ion.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.tenTusscher_et_al_2004.function のフィールド
 Node Current.in
 Node ReversalPotential2.Ki
 Node ReversalPotential2.Ko
 Node ReversalPotential2.Nai
 Node ReversalPotential2.Nao
 Node Charge.Vm

org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.complex での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.complex のクラス
 class WaterFlux
          Water flux across the cell membrane [um3/ms].

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.complex のフィールド
 Node WaterFlux.Caext
          concentration of extracellular Ca2+ [mM]
 Node WaterFlux.Caint
          concentration of intracellular Ca2+ [mM]
 Node WaterFlux.Clext
          concentration of extracellular Cl- [mM]
 Node WaterFlux.Clint
          concentration of intracellular Cl- [mM]
 Node WaterFlux.Kext
          concentration of extracellular K+ [mM]
 Node WaterFlux.Kint
          concentration of intracellular K+ [mM]
 Node WaterFlux.LAext
          concentration of extracellular large anionic compound [mM]
 Node WaterFlux.LAint
          concentration of intracellular large anionic compound [mM]
 Node WaterFlux.Naext
          concentration of extracellular Na+ [mM]
 Node WaterFlux.Naint
          concentration of intracellular Na+ [mM]
 Node WaterFlux.TotalIonext
          sum of extracellular ionic concentration [mM]
 Node WaterFlux.TotalIonint
          sum of intracellular ionic concentration [mM]
 Node WaterFlux.volumeext
          extracellular volume [um3]
 Node WaterFlux.volumeint
          intracellular volume [um3]

org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.current での Node の使用

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.current のフィールド
 Node Diffusion.Cai
          concentration of intracellular Ca2+ [mM]
 Node Diffusion.Cao
          concentration of extracellular Ca2+ [mM]
 Node MembraneTransporter.CCl
          to see Cl current component
 Node Diffusion.Cli
          concentration of intracellular Cl- [mM]
 Node Diffusion.Clo
          concentration of extracellular Cl- [mM]
 Node MembraneTransporter.currentCl
          link to the Cl component (pA) of compartment
 Node Diffusion.Ki
          concentration of intracellular K+ [mM]
 Node Diffusion.Ko
          concentration of extracellular K+ [mM]
 Node Diffusion.Nai
          concentration of intracellular Na+ [mM]
 Node Diffusion.Nao
          concentration of extracellular Na+ [mM]

org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.current.carrier での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.current.carrier のクラス
 class NKCC
          Flux via Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter [amol/msec].

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.current.carrier のフィールド
 Node NKCC.ClFlux
          Cl- current carried by NKCC1 [pA]
 Node NKCC.Cli
          concentration of intracellular Cl- [mM]
 Node NKCC.Clo
          concentration of extracellular Cl- [mM]
 Node NKCC.Ki
          concentration of intracellular K+ [mM]
 Node NKCC.Ko
          concentration of extracellular K+ [mM]
 Node NKCC.Nai
          concentration of intracellular Na+ [mM]
 Node NKCC.Nao
          concentration of extracellular Na+ [mM]
 Node NKCC.P
          factor to define the maximum flux via NKCC1 [amol]
 Node NKCC.pE1S
          probability of pE1S

org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.current.cf での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.current.cf のクラス
 class CfChannel
          calculate current component of Na, K, Ca, and Cl ion according to the constant field theory.
 class IClb
 class IVRCC
          volume-regulated Cl- current.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.current.cf のフィールド
 Node Ist.activation
 Node ICaT.activation
          open probability of activation gate
          concentration of intracellular ATP [mM]
 Node ICaL.ATP
          intracellular ATP concentration (mM)
 Node Iha.C1
 Node Iha.C2
 Node ICaL.CaDiadic
          local Ca2+ concentration near the mouth of L-type Ca channel (mM)
 Node Ist.Cai
 Node ILCCa.Cai
          intracellular calcium concentration (mM)
 Node ICaL.Cai
          intracellular Ca2+ concentration (mM)
          concentration of intracellular cAMP [mM]
 Node CfChannel.constantFieldCa
          Ca2+ flux calculated by constant field theory [mM]
 Node CfChannel.constantFieldCl
          Cl- flux calculated by constant field theory [mM]
 Node CfChannel.constantFieldK
          K+ flux calculated by constant field theory [mM]
 Node CfChannel.constantFieldNa
          Na+ flux calculated by constant field theory [mM]
          fraction of cAMP-activated PKA
 Node INa.gate
          ultra-slow gate
 Node ICaL.gate
          ultra-slow gate probability
 Node Ito.gate1
          activation gating variable
 Node Ito.gate2
          inactivation gating variable
 Node IKpl.GK
          channel conductance
 Node Ist.inactivation
 Node ICaT.inactivation
          open probability of inactivation gate
 Node ICFTR.Isoprenaline
          concentration of extracellular isoprenaline [uM]
 Node Iha.O1
 Node Iha.O2
 Node Iha.O3
 Node INa.pAI
          AI state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pAI
          AI state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node INa.pAP
          AP state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pAP
          AP state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pC
          C state probability for calcium-dependent gate
 Node IVRCC.permeabilityCl
          converting factor for IVRCC [pA/pF/mM]
 Node INab.permeabilityK
          converting factor (conductance) for K+ background current [pA/pF/mM]
 Node IClb.permeabilityK
          converting factor (conductance) for K+ background current [pA/pF/mM]
 Node ICFTR.POpen
          open probability
 Node INa.pRP
          RP state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pRP
          PR state probability for voltage-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pU
          U state probability for calcium-dependent gate
 Node ICaL.pUCa
          UCa state probability for calcium-dependent gate
 Node Ist.slowInact
 Node IVRCC.Vm
          membrane potential [mV]
 Node Ito.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)
 Node Ist.Vm
 Node INa.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)
 Node IKpl.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)
 Node Iha.Vm
 Node ICaT.Vm
          membrane potential
 Node ICaL.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)
 Node IVRCC.Vt
          intracellular volume [um^3]

org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.current.potassium での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.current.potassium のクラス
 class PureKchannel
          calculate pure potassium channel current.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.current.potassium のフィールド
 Node IK1.alfa
          rate constant
          concentration of intracellular ATP[mM]
 Node IKs.Ca
          intracellular Ca2+ concentration
 Node IK1.gate
          gate, blocked by polyamine (time dependent compornent)
 Node IKs.gate1
          the open probability of voltage-dependent gate
 Node IKr.gate1
          activation gating variable (the rapid component)
 Node IKs.gate2
          the open probability of [Ca2+]i-dependent gate
 Node IKr.gate2
          activation gating variable (the slow component)
 Node IKr.gate3
          inactivation gating variable
 Node PureKchannel.permeabilityK
          channel permeability for potassium
 Node IKr.POpen
 Node PureKchannel.reversalPotential
          reversal potential
 Node PureKchannel.Vm
          membrane potential (mV)
 Node IKs.Vm
          Membrane Potential(mV)

org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.experiment での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.experiment のクラス
 class StepChanger2
          step change
 class TonicityChange
          Change extracellular fluid tonicity

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.experiment のフィールド
 Node TonicityChange.Caext
          concentration of extracellular Ca2+ [mM]
 Node TonicityChange.Cainitial
          concentration of initial extracellular Ca2+ [mM]
 Node TonicityChange.Clext
          concentration of extracellular Cl- [mM]
 Node TonicityChange.Clinitial
          concentration of initial extracellular Cl- [mM]
 Node TonicityChange.elapsedTime
 Node TonicityChange.Kext
          concentration of extracellular K+ [mM]
 Node TonicityChange.Kinitial
          concentration of initial extracellular K+ [mM]
 Node TonicityChange.LAext
          concentration of extracellular large anionic compound [mM]
 Node TonicityChange.LAinitial
          concentration of initial extracellular large anionic compound [mM]
 Node TonicityChange.Naext
          concentration of extracellular Na+ [mM]
 Node TonicityChange.Nainitial
          concentration of initial extracellular Na+ [mM]
 Node VolumeRatio.Vt
          total cell volume (um^3)

org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.function での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.function のクラス
 class AmplitudeNaK
          Calculate volume-dependency of INaK amplitude.
 class KoDependency2
          Calculate Ko dependency for IKATP.
 class Tonicity
          Tonicity of extracellular fluid .
 class TotalVolume
          Calculate total cell volume from cell volume accessible for ion diffusion.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.bio.terashima_et_al_2006.function のフィールド
 Node Tonicity.Caext
          concentration of extracellular Ca2+ [mM]
 Node Tonicity.Clext
          concentration of extracellular Cl- [mM]
 Node Tonicity.Kext
          concentration of extracellular K+ [mM]
 Node KoDependency2.Ko
          out side Potassium concentration
 Node KoDependency.Ko
          concentration of extracellular Potassium (mM)
 Node Tonicity.LAext
          concentration of extracellular large anionic compound [mM]
 Node Tonicity.Naext
          concentration of extracellular Na+ [mM]
 Node Volume.ratio
 Node Tonicity.T
          extracellular fluid tonicity
 Node Volume.total
          total value
 Node TotalVolume.Vi
          the osmotically active cell volume (um^3)
 Node AmplitudeNaK.Vt
          total cell volume [um^3]

org.simBio.core での Node の使用

org.simBio.core での Node のサブインタフェース
 interface Variable

Node を実装している org.simBio.core のクラス
 class Analyzer
          Please inherit this Class to manipulate every Node.
 class Component
          super class of the core package, similar to public String, Component of the Composite Pattern.
 class Composite
          Composite Pattern.
 class Conductor
          root instance to conduct integration.
 class Link
          making Link
 class Parameter
          labeled public double, Component of the Composite Pattern.
 class Reactor
          set of equations.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.core のフィールド
 Node Conductor.duration
          duration of integration
 Node Conductor.elapsedTime
          elapsed time
 Node Conductor.timeStep
          time step of integration

Node を返す org.simBio.core のメソッド
protected  Node Composite.getLink(java.lang.String name)
 Node Composite.getNode(java.lang.String name)
          serch the Node of the same name,

org.simBio.core.integrator での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.core.integrator のクラス
 class Concentration
          The amount of ion (or molecule) is hold as value.
 class Euler
          the variable calculated by euler method
 class Positive
          keep the value positive.
 class PositiveRK
          Keep the value positive, for Runge-Kutta.
 class Probability
          Keep the value between 0 and 1.
 class RungeKutta
the variable calculated by RungeKutta method

org.simBio.sim.analyzer での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.sim.analyzer のクラス
 class StopWatch
 class VisualizeAnalyzer
          base class for visualized Node(Viewer, Graph, Axis).

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.sim.analyzer のフィールド
 Node StopWatch.elapsedTime
 Node StopWatch.lapTime
 Node StopWatch.totalTime

Node を返す org.simBio.sim.analyzer のメソッド
protected  Node VisualizeAnalyzer.getNodeHierarchically(java.lang.String name)
          serch the Node of the same name(or upper level node). if the Node is Link, follow the Link.
 Node VisualizeAnalyzer.getNodeRecursive(java.lang.String name)
          serch the Node of the same name. if the Node is Link, follow the Link.

Node 型のパラメータを持つ org.simBio.sim.analyzer のメソッド
protected  double VisualizeAnalyzer.getDouble(Node node)
          get value from node. if node is null, return 0.0

org.simBio.sim.analyzer.csv での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.sim.analyzer.csv のクラス
 class ALaCarte
          Writes a numerical value of selected nodes to csv file.
 class CsvMaker
 class Siblings
          should be placed into the xml file of the parent node from which one wants to get the childrens' parameters
 class Total
          writes values of all parameters, variables and nodes to csv file
親Reactor以下のTreeに存在する全てのReactorとParameterの値をcsv fileに書き出す

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.sim.analyzer.csv のフィールド
 Node CsvMaker.elapsedTime

org.simBio.sim.analyzer.csv.result での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.sim.analyzer.csv.result のクラス
 class AbstractAppender
          append the parameters to CSV file at the end of calculation.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.sim.analyzer.csv.result のフィールド
 Node AbstractAppender.fileName
          file name to write result data.

org.simBio.sim.analyzer.graph での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.sim.analyzer.graph のクラス
 class AbstractGraph
          Graphのフレームワークを提供する. 本クラスでは、画面の再描画機能などは提供せずに、継承したGraph系クラスを シンプルに実装できるようにフレームワークを構成する。
 class Axis
 class AxisX
 class AxisXFix
          x axis (do not scroll) for RelationGraph.
 class AxisXLog
          x axis by log scale.
 class AxisY
 class AxisYLog
          y axis by log scale.
 class BasicGraph
 class Graph
           2D graph 時系列データを表示するGraph(最適化済).
 class Graph4State
           targetを、面として表示する. 線・点の描画メソッドをoverrideして、面を描画するようにしています。
 class RelationGraph
          2D graph of relation between two parameters.
 class StepChart
 class Viewer
          Graph viewer.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.sim.analyzer.graph のフィールド
protected  Node[] AbstractGraph.target
           描画対象となるNode (target X)

org.simBio.sim.analyzer.graph.simple での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.sim.analyzer.graph.simple のクラス
 class RateGraph
          sample graph for bio.function
 class RateGraph_KA
          sample graph for bio.function
 class RelationGraph_LP
          2D graph of relation between two parameters for org.simBio.sim.analyzer.measure.LeadPotential.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.sim.analyzer.graph.simple のフィールド
 Node RateGraph_KA.iv
 Node RateGraph_KA.max
 Node RateGraph_KA.min
 Node RateGraph_KA.step
 Node Axis.units
 Node RelationGraph_LP.Vm

org.simBio.sim.analyzer.measure での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.sim.analyzer.measure のクラス
 class AbstractMeasure
 class Amplitude
          get the difference between the maximum and minimum value of the target.
 class AmplitudeInCycle
          get the difference between the maximum and minimum value of the target in a cycle.
 class APD
          Measuring Action Potential Duration.
 class APDforSA
 class APDforSA2
 class HR
 class LeadPotential
           Lead Potentialを計算する。
 class Limitter
 class PeakDetect
 class Sum
 class Vmax
          Measuring dV/dt max.
 class VmaxTime
          measure Vmax and timing of Vmax.

Node として宣言されている org.simBio.sim.analyzer.measure のフィールド
 Node APDforSA2.APA
          活動電位の大きさ (mV)
 Node LeadPotential.CCa
 Node LeadPotential.CCl
 Node LeadPotential.CK
 Node VmaxTime.Cm
          membrane capacitance (pS)
 Node Vmax.Cm
 Node LeadPotential.CNa
 Node LeadPotential.currentCa
 Node LeadPotential.currentCl
 Node LeadPotential.currentK
 Node LeadPotential.currentNa
 Node LeadPotential.ECa
 Node LeadPotential.ECl
 Node LeadPotential.EK
 Node LeadPotential.ENa
 Node LeadPotential.INaK
 Node LeadPotential.IPMCA_CCa
 Node Vmax.It
 Node APD.It
 Node HR.iTotal
          総電流 (pA)
 Node APDforSA2.iTotal
          総電流 (pA)
 Node VmaxTime.Itotal
          total membrane current (pA)
 Node AmplitudeInCycle.maximum
          maximum value of the target
 Node Amplitude.maximum
          maximum value of the target
 Node APDforSA2.MDP
          最大分極電位 (mV)
 Node AmplitudeInCycle.minimum
          minimum value of the target
 Node Amplitude.minimum
          minimum value of the target
 Node APDforSA2.OverShoot
          活動電位のピーク (mV)
 Node APD.peak
 Node APD.percent
 Node APD.resting
 Node PeakDetect.target
 Node Limitter.target
 Node AmplitudeInCycle.target
          to analyze
 Node Amplitude.target
          to analyze
 Node LeadPotential.Vm
 Node APDforSA.Vm
          膜電位 (mV)
 Node APD.Vm
 Node VmaxTime.Vmax
          Vmax: maximum rate of rise (mV/ms)

org.simBio.util.numerical での Node の使用

Node を実装している org.simBio.util.numerical のクラス
 class MathFunction
          This abstract class represents a mathematical function on a simBio model tree.
 class MathMultivariableFunction
          This abstract class represents a mathematical function on a simBio model tree (light-weight version).
 class MathUnivariableFunction
          This abstract class represents a mathematical function on a simBio model tree (light-weight version).

org.simBio.util.numerical.methods での Node の使用

Node 型のパラメータを持つ org.simBio.util.numerical.methods のメソッド
static double BroydenMethod.solve(MathFunction[] functions, Node[] nodes)
          Solves the specified nonlinear equations for the specified variables.
static double BroydenMethod.solve(MathFunction[] functions, Node[] nodes, double epsilon, int iteration)
          Solves the specified nonlinear equations for the specified variables.
static double SecantMethod.solve(MathFunction function, Node node)
          Solve the specified nonlinear equation.
static double SecantMethod.solve(MathFunction function, Node node, double epsilon)
          Solve the specified nonlinear equation.
static double BroydenMethod.solve(MathMultivariableFunction[] functions, Node[] nodes)
          Solves the specified nonlinear equations for the specified variables.
static double BroydenMethod.solve(MathMultivariableFunction[] functions, Node[] nodes, double epsilon, int iteration)
          Solves the specified nonlinear equations for the specified variables.
static double SecantMethod.solve(MathUnivariableFunction function, Node node)
          Solve the specified nonlinear equation.
static double SecantMethod.solve(MathUnivariableFunction function, Node node, double epsilon)
          Solve the specified nonlinear equation.

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